Important Announcement for Ballyhoura Mountain Recreation Area Visitors this Weekend 19th - 20th August!!

Important Announcement for Ballyhoura Mountain Recreation Area Visitors this Weekend 19th - 20th August!!

We want to inform you that the Ballyhoura Mountain Recreation Areas will be closed for the upcoming weekend, August 19th and 20th. This closure is necessary to ensure the safe running of the Gravity Enduro Mountain Bike Race and the Cork Motor Club Forest Rally.

This includes Carpark sites at the mountain Bike Trailhead and Balllinaboola and the following walking trails:

  • Blackrock Loop
  • Trim Trail
  • Lyre na Freaghaun
  • Ballyhoura Way (between Ballyhea & Mountain Bike Trailhead)
  • Ballinboola
  • Knockduv
  • Nature Trail

Please adhere to all safety signage and guidance provided by event stewards. Your safety and the smooth execution of these exciting events are top priorities.

We understand that this closure may cause some inconvenience, and we sincerely apologise for that. However, these events are set to bring an adrenaline-packed experience to Ballyhoura, and we appreciate your understanding.

For further information about these thrilling events, feel free to check out the following sources:

🚵‍♂️ Ballyhoura - Gravity Enduro Ireland Find out more: Gravity Enduro Ireland

🏎️ Cork Motor Club Explore details: Cork Motor Club